Here you will find exclusive discounts and deals that our sponsors are ONLY offering to Wise Practice Summit 2024 attendees. Enjoy :)

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Virtual Giveaway

Virtual Giveaway

Enter our virtual giveaway by visiting all of our sponsor tables. You will need to fill the sheet provided in your brochure with every signature before submitting into the raffle box. Once complete please rip the page out of the brochure (don't forget to put your name and number).

So many prizes, one lucky winner.

Wise Practice Community

Get a free one year membership to the Wise Practice Community.

Private Practice Elevation

1 hour website review and coaching call. Link to schedule provided upon request (please email

Practice Of Therapy: PsychCraft Network

$100 Amazon card as a giveaway

Simplified SEO

SEO Strategy Session with Danica Wolf ($500 value)

Turning Point Financial

Free 45 minute personal & professional financial strategy session

Therapy Flow

Free three-part video series: How to brand and gain new cash pay clients with nuts and bolts google ads training. The lucky winner can redeem the prize by emailing for the link.


6-months free access to ALL Shrink Think courses: Onboarding New Clinicians To Your Practice, Orientation to Couples Counseling, and Orienting for Successful Therapy (worth over $800). Must activate by 11/11/23.

GreenOak Accounting

Get a free audiobook of Profit First for Therapists by Julie Herres! The lucky winner can redeem the prize by emailing for the link.


One free 60-minute virtual consultation with our brand and website expert. We’ll take a look at your current branding or website and provide expert feedback and tips.