Unlock Your Potential: Join a Mastermind Group for Faith-Based Private Practice Owners

Our mastermind group is designed specifically for practice owners like you who integrate their faith into their business. By joining, you will experience numerous benefits that can elevate both your business and personal journey.

Reasons to join a Mastermind Group:

  • You are lonely in private practice? Your family and friends don’t understand the challenges of running a practice. You have a sigh of relief when you can share your business struggles with others who get it. WE DO!

  • You are uncertain about your next steps in business. We have all been there, trying to decide where to put time and money, wondering if it will worth the investment. We always say, learn from those who have gone before. We have been there, done that, and can help avoid mistake and meet your goals.

  • You need consulting but cannot afford it. We understand, running a business is expensive. A Mastermind Group gives you the benefits of learning from a consultant at a much lower price point. Who doesn’t want that?

Join us to develop not only your practice but also yourself, enriching both your professional and spiritual journey. Embrace the opportunity to grow alongside fellow private practice owners who share your faith-driven vision.

Grow a Group Practice Mastermind

Launching November 2024

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What Others Are Saying

  • I appreciate the support and expertise! I now have the tools I need to become a thriving group practice owner.

    Dawn Starkey, on beginning her group practice The Mend with Wise Practice Consulting

  • Mastermind is a personal trainer for your private practice. If you are looking for real time accountability and support, Mastermind will do this for you.

    Jaclyn Bailes, on starting her solo practice Cypress Roots Counseling with Wise Practice Consulting

  • I double my monthly revenue at my new office! I highly recommend Wise Practice Consulting to other private practice owners both big and small!

    Chris Thayer, on growing his group practice Christian Counseling of Tampa

Grow a Group Practice

This Mastermind is designed for faith-based practice owners with an already established group practice. Led by Whitney Owens, is unique offer includes regular consultation meetings along with an in-person retreat to Savannah. Members will work on their practice while also meeting the team at Waters Edge Counseling.

This group is limited to 10 members and runs for 9 months.

Goals of the Mastermind Group:

  1. Review your practice branding and mission as it relates to growing a group practice.

  2. Explore your current systems and process to determine changes needed for freeing your time.

  3. Streamline your hiring process and identify therapists to hire, as well as review office space and other logical needs

  4. Evaluate your current financials: current pay, staff pay, expenses, taxes, etc.

  5. Establish a long-term financial plan and/or add Profit First to your business.

  6. Develop leadership skills as a faith-based practice owner such as improved communication with staff, decision making model, and establishing a leadership team.

  7. Increase needed policies in your practice such as Performance Improvement Plans, Attendance, and Appropriate Social Media Usage.

  8. Hiring and best utilizing an administrative assistant.

  9. Develop a marketing strategy for your group practice.

  10. Implement systems for tracking numbers such as inquiry calls, conversion rates, and client retention.

Benefits of the Mastermind Retreat:

  • Full access to Whitney’s team for the day

  • Ask questions to Whitney’s staff about the details of their expertise

  • Time to work on your group practice projects

  • Consulting with Whitney while setting up new policies and processes

  • Set-up or revamp your organization and leadership structure

  • Connect with other like-minded group practice owners

  • Enjoy Savannah and spend a few moments having fun and relaxing along the river

Access to the retreat is part of your Mastermind experience. Note, retreat attendees will be responsible for their own lodging and partial meals.

Meet your Consulant

Whitney Owens

I run Mastermind groups not just because it sounds cool, but I truly believe in the power of community and consulting. Over 5 years ago I had no idea what steps to take next in my private practice. I was overwhelmed with clients and wasn’t sure how to best care for them and myself. I had questions such as what rates to set, should I hire therapists, and how can I slow down and enjoy my life more.

After completing my first mastermind group, my practice exploded. My rates increased, my profits grew, and I started hiring my first therapists. While growing my practice, I found creative ways to increase revenue while alligning to the Christian values of my business.

And, if you are wondering, I am still in a Mastermind group every week and also lead them. I believe they are the best way to grow professionally and personally within the context of community. In fact, I still am in close contact with those I met in my first Mastermind group. I will be forever grateful.

Now I have a practice that runs more smoothly while enjoying my life outside of work. I bring in the profits needed to care for my family and find time to invest in me, not just everyone else. I can help you do the same.

Enroll Now

Streamline and grow your practice saving you time and making you profit

✺ What is included in the Mastermind Group? ✺

    • Get complete access to Whitney and her team of experts which includes her Director of Marketing, Director of Operations, Head Clinician, and Clinicians.

    • 2.5 Days of individual and group consulting

    • Time to connect in-person with like-minded group practice owners

  • Live Zoom meetings every 2 weeks for 9 months

    These meetings include teaching, hot seats, and goals setting. They last 1 hour.

  • Paperwork to copy and edit for your practice such as contracts and employee documents

    Live weekly meetings focused on growing a faith-based practice

    Prerecorded courses on practice development

    Discounts and deals on services and events such as the Wise Practice Summit

  • Discount on individual consultation calls with Whitney while in the Mastermind group.

  • Voxer App (Walkie-Talkie app) messaging between meetings. You may reach out with questions and receive an individualized consulting response within 48 hours.

Meeting Dates

(Upon acceptance to the group, you will receive calendar invites with zoom links for each meeting time.)

We will be meeting on Tuesdays at 1:00EST/12:00CST/11:00MST/10:00PST.

11/12 & 11/19

12/3 & 12/17

1/14 & 1/28


Retreat in Savannah - 2/26 - 2/28

3/11 & 3/20

4/8 & 4/22

5/6 & 5/20

6/3 & 6/17

7/8 & 7/22


$749/month for 6 months

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