Grow your faith-based
therapy practice
You are not alone
Starting and growing a faith-based practice can be an isolative experiences, but it doesn’t have to be. Over the past 5 plus years I have made it my mission to help connect and foster growth for Christian practice owners. Believe me, I have heard it all. I have been there. And now, I have found a life and business that is fulfilling personally, professionally, and best of all spiritually. If you want to start or grow a faith-based practice, you have come to the right place.
Overcome your obstacles
Create a brand and culture that draws in your ideal clients.
Learn how to communicate your message to fill your caseload.
Find ways to connect with churches and other faith-based organizations.
Find a group of clinicians who also mark faith a priority in their business.
Gain guidance on what it means to be a Christian business owner.
No longer do all the work alone. Become part of a likeminded community.
Learn how to make a profit while also fulfilling your life’s purpose.
Let go of your guilt about making a profit while also serving your community.
Set rates that reflect your years of experience, your skill set, and values.
Know how to start and grow a group practice that fits your practice culture and values.
Expand your reach in your community and increase your impact by hiring clinicians and growing.
Create a team that is like family.

The guide you want.
The push you need.
Unsure where to start?
Join Whitney’s free faith-based community on Facebook
and kick-start your business today!
What is a Faith-Based Practice?
Many therapist are not sure if they actually qualify as a faith-based business. Here’s the thing, if you are living a life a faith then you qualify. Your business doesn’t need to be overtly Christian or only serve Christians. Members of the Wise Practice Community come from all walks of life and unite on their personal faith as well as their business goals.